Kobrin District BOF Meeting at the IAJGS Confrence
From: Itzhak Epstein (iegenearthlink.net)
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 22:47:12 -0700 (PDT)
The Kobrin Uyezd Jewish Research Group's Birds of a Feather (KUJRG BOF) meeting will take place on Monday July 24th, 5:00-6:15 PM, at the Parrot 2 room.

The KUJRG researches the communities between Pinsk and Kobrin and their surrounding rural areas; all in the Czarist-era Kobrin Uyezd; including Ivanovo/Yaneve, Yakovlevo/Gutava, Drohichin, Antopol, Horodetz, Kobrin,Divin, Motol/Motele, and Chomsk.

We will discuss the current state of our archival research and explore possibilities.

Itzhak Epstein

Itzhak Epstein  New York,  NY
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